DWPD 3350702 Sem 5 Practicals

  1. Write HTML codes for displaying image and demonstrate hyper linking.
  2. Write HTML codes to attach video on webpage using embed tag in html.
  3. Create A Feedback Form Using Form handling.
  4. Create a contact form using form handling.
  5. Write a code for creating static page design using division tag.
  6. Write a code for design menu system using list tag.
  7. Design Google Page using HTML5.
  8. Apply CSS formatting to created pages and explore it fully, also use ready made CSS templates.
  9. Write a PHP script to display Welcome message.Write a PHP script to demonstrate use of arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and logical operators.
  10. Write a PHP script to get type of variable using gettype(). Write a PHP script to set type of variable using settype()
  11. Write a PHP script to set type of variable using type casting
  12. Write PHP Script to print Fibonacci series. Write PHP Script to calculate total marks of sudent and display grade. Write PHP Script to find maximum number out of three given numbers.
  13. Write PHP Script using two dimensional arrays such as addition of two 2x2 matrices.
    Write PHP Script to demonstrate use of associative arrays and for FOR EACH loop execution.
  14. Write PHP script Using user defined function
    Write PHP script to demonstrate use of string function.
  15. Write PHP script to demonstrate use of date/time functionsand Math functions.
  16. Create form using text box, check box, radio button, select, submit button. And display user inserted value in new PHP page (e.g. student registration/inventory/library form).
  17. Write two different PHP script to demonstrate passing variables through a URL
    Write two different PHP script to demonstrate passing variables through Hidden Variables.
  18. Write two different PHP script to demonstrate passing variables with sessions
    Write PHP script to demonstrate passing variables with cookies
    Write a program to keep track of how many times a visitor has loaded the page.
  19. Write a Program to upload image with extension gif or jpeg.
    Write a PHP script to create watermarks using Imagecopymerge.
    Write a PHP script to convert images to grayscale.
  20. Write a PHP script to connect MYSQL server from your web application.
    Write a PHP script to create and drop database.
  21. Create database using phpMyAdmin. Write a program to read input data, from table and display all these information in tabular form on output screen.
  22. Write a program to manipulate data from table and display all this information using table format.
  23. Develop small PHP application(s) using forms and database


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