Create database using phpMyAdmin. Write a program to read input data, from table and display all these information in tabular form on output screen || DWPD Sem 5 Practical 21

DWPD : Practical 21

Script for index.php file<?php
<title>Display From Database</title>
<table border="1">
 $sql="SELECT * FROM student";
  <td><?php echo $raw['id'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo $raw['Name'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo $raw['Dept'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo $raw['Sem'] ?></td>
  <td><?php echo $raw['Gender'] ?></td>

Output :

Follow these steps to create database, Create table, insert and view data from table using phpMyAdmin

Step 1 : Turn on local server xampp or wamp then Type localhost in url
Step 2 : click on phpmyadmin
Step 3 : type database name and click Create Button
Step 4 : to create table type table name & number of fields then click GO button
Step 5 : Insert fields name with data type and range, set primary key, auto increment to id and click Save button
Step 6 : After table creation click on insert from navigation
Step 7 : Insert values and click Go button at bottom

Step 8 : now click on Browse menu to view inserted data

Step 9 : Now you can see the data in table
