Write PHP script Using user defined function & write PHP script to demonstrate use of string function || DWPD Sem 5 Practical 14

DWPD : Practical 14

 1.Write PHP script Using user defined function<?php
 function add($a,$b)
  echo "Addition of $a & $b = $c";




 2.Write PHP script to demonstrate use of string function<?php
 echo $a."<br>";
 echo ord($b)."<br>";
 echo strtolower($c)."<br>";
 echo strtoupper($d)."<br>";
 echo strlen($d)."<br>";
 $e="   abc   ";
 echo ltrim($e)."<br>";
 echo rtrim($e)."<br>";
 echo trim($e)."<br>";
 $f="Hello how are you ?";
 echo substr($f,0,5)."<br>";
 echo substr($f,6,3)."<br>";
 echo substr($f,10,3)."<br>";
 echo substr($f,14,5)."<br>";
 echo strcmp($e,$f)."<br>";
 echo strcmp($f,$e)."<br>";
 echo strcmp($g,$h)."<br>";
 echo strcasecmp($g,$h)."<br>";
 echo strcasecmp($g,$f)."<br>";
 echo strcasecmp($g,$i)."<br>";
 echo strpos($g,"l")."<br>";
 echo strstr($f,"ho")."<br>";
 echo stristr($f,"yo")."<br>";
 echo str_replace("world","PHP","hello world")."<br>";
 echo strrev($f);


