Write HTML codes for displaying image and demonstrate hyper linking || DWPD Sem 5 Practical 1

Hey guys here is your practical solution for Write HTML codes for displaying image and demonstrate hyper linking || DWPD Sem 5 Practical 1

DWPD : Practical 1 

 Code : Index.html 

Output : 

Practical Description 

  • The <img>  tag and its attributes 
    • The <img> tag used to embed an image in an HTML page
    • The <img> tag must have two attributes to define an image : src and alt.
    • The <img>  tag doesn't has end tag 
    • The SRC attribute of <img> tag is used to specifie the URL of an image
    • The ALT attribute of <img>  tag is used to specifie an alternate text for an image

  •  The <a> tag and it required attributes
    • The <a> tag is used to define a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another.
    • The href attribute specifies the URL of the page the link goes to

