Hey everyone, 

In this article, we're going to check out some cool ideas for final year computer engineering projects (GTU 2023) that you can use for your submission. Let's dive right in and see what we can find!

If you want HELP in your project you can contact me on WhatsApp 


        So, I've got some exciting ideas that you might want to consider. These projects can challenge your creativity and expand your knowledge in the field of web technology. Take a look and see which ones you would like to explore further!

Online bookstore
Develop an online bookstore that allows customers to browse books, make purchases, and leave reviews. The site can include features like search, filtering by genre, and user accounts.

Student management system
Create a web-based student management system that allows teachers to track attendance, grades, and other student information. The system can also include features like automated email notifications for absent students.

Recipe sharing platform
Develop a recipe sharing platform where users can upload and share their favorite recipes. The site can include features like search, filtering by dietary restrictions, and user ratings.

E-commerce website
Create an e-commerce website that allows users to browse and purchase products online. The site can include features like search, filtering by price and category, and a shopping cart.

Social media platform
Develop a social media platform where users can create profiles, connect with friends, and share content. The platform can include features like status updates, photo and video sharing, and messaging.

Online job portal
Create an online job portal that allows job seekers to browse and apply for jobs. The site can include features like search, filtering by job type and location, and job alerts.

Event management system
Develop a web-based event management system that allows users to create and manage events. The system can include features like registration, ticketing, and event promotion.

Online survey tool
Create an online survey tool that allows users to create and distribute surveys. The tool can include features like multiple question types, response tracking, and data analysis.

Online voting system
Develop an online voting system that allows users to vote on different topics. The system can include features like user authentication, multiple voting methods, and real-time results.

Online food delivery system
Develop an online food delivery system that allows users to order food for delivery, with features like restaurant search, menu browsing, and payment processing. 

Hotel reservation system
Develop a hotel reservation system that allows customers to search and book hotel rooms online, with features like room availability checking, payment processing, and reservation management.

Online book library management system
Create an online book library management system that allows users to browse and borrow books, with features like book search, borrowing history tracking, and overdue book management.

Online inventory management system
Create an online inventory management system that allows businesses to manage their inventory levels and track stock movements, with features like stock tracking, purchase order creation, and inventory reporting.

Online movie ticket booking system
Develop an online movie ticket booking system that allows users to search for and book movie tickets, with features like movie search, seat selection, and ticket booking management.

Car Rental System
Build a web application that allows users to rent cars online. Use MySQL to store data about cars, customers, and reservations.

So, to wrap things up, these ideas are just the beginning when it comes to final year computer engineering projects in 2023. With a bit of creativity and hard work, you can take any of these ideas and turn them into an amazing project that shows off your technical skills and knowledge. If you ever need any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the me on WhatsApp. Good luck with your project, and have fun coding!
