How to create a desktop application using php with installer

  1. download PHP Desktop Chrome 57.0
  2. download & insall inno setup
  3. unzip PHP Desktop Chrome 57.0 on desktop
  4. rename PHP Desktop Chrome 57.0 folder to your app name
  5. go to the WWW folder inside unzipped folder
  6. delete all the files in WWW
  7. create index.php file in WWW folder
  8. write your script in index.phph file
  9.  go back
  10. open settings.json file
  11. set show_console  to false
  12. change title to your app name
  13. you can also set the window sizes
  14. save and close
  15. open inno setup
  16. cancel the dialoge
  17. and open the file menu
  18. click new then click next and here type your app name again in Application name field version 1.0
  19. next
  20. again click next
  21. click browse and select php-desktop-chrome.exe file and click open
  22. click on add folder and select our app folder click yes
  23. click next
  24. next
  25. select English language and click next
  26. click browse and select output folder e.g Desktop
  27. next
  28. uncheck the Yes, use #define compiler directives
  29. next
  30. finish
  31. click yes
  32. click no
  33. processing........
  34. Done
  35. check the installer for your application inside the output folder e.g Desktop
