Variable Functions - Global Variables - Static Variables

Variable Functions

  • is_array() :- Finds whether a variable is an array
    - Description:-is_array( var) :-Returns TRUEif varis an array, FALSEotherwise.
  • is_float() :- Finds whether a variable is a float
    - Description;-is_float(var) Returns TRUEif varis a float, FALSEotherwise.
  • is_int() :- Find whether a variable is an integer
    - Description:-is_int(var) Returns TRUEif varis an integer FALSEotherwise.
  • is_string() :- Finds whether a variable is a string
    - Description:-is_string(var) Returns TRUEif varis a string, FALSEotherwise.
  • is_object() :- Finds whether a variable is an object
    - Description:-is_object(var) Returns TRUEif varis an object, FALSEotherwise.
  • is_bool() :- Finds out whether a variable is a boolean
    - Description:-is_bool(var) Returns TRUEif the varparameter is boolean.
  • is_null :- Finds whether a variable is NULL
    - Description :- is_null(var) Returns TRUEif varis null , FALSEotherwise See the null type when a variable is considered to be NULLand when not.

Global Variables

  • A global variable can be accessed in any part of the program.
  • However, in order to be modified, a global variable must be explicitly declared to be global in the function in which it is to be modified.
  • This is accomplished, conveniently enough, by placing the keyword GLOBAL in front of the variable that should be recognized as global.
  • Placing this keyword in front of an already existing variable tells PHP to use the variable having that name.

Consider an example:

print"Somevar is $somevar";
function addit1()
GLOBAL $somevar;
print "Somevar is $somevar";


Some var is 16
Some var is 16

Static variables

  • A static variable retains its value between calls to a function but is visible only within that function.
  • You can declare a variable static with the static keyword.

For example :  function update_counter

function update_counter ( )
static $counter = 0;
echo "Static counter is now $counter";
$counter = 10;
update_counter( );
update_counter( );
echo “counter is $counter";


Static counter is now 1 Static counter is now 2 Global counter is 10
